020 3633 2282

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change your life

Break that habit and

enjoy your life

Horizon Hypnotherapy is a registered practice, established 19 years, and located in Bromley, on the borders of Kent and South East London.

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Why Hypnotherapy?

If you have an emotional or psychological problem, a bad habit you can't break, or just want to feel better about yourself, hypnotherapy can help you make the desired changes, no matter how entrenched the condition.

It's a perfectly safe and natural way of using your own inner resources, to reorganise your thoughts and behaviours to bring about beneficial change. Contrary to many people's misconceptions, there is no "mind control" involved with hypnosis. Being hypnotised is a very relaxing experience and clients are fully in control throughout.

Also, unlike certain drugs, there are absolutely no side effects.

Why Horizon Hypnotherapy?

The Consultant Hypnotherapist at Horizon Hypnotherapy has been in practice for 19 years and has treated thousands of clients for a wide variety of issues. He is qualified in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy (the only hypnotherapy qualification approved by the British Psychological Society) and Advanced Structured Hypnotherapy, the techniques for which are highly specialised and very effective.

The use of these specialised techniques can save you money, as clients can usually be treated within three sessions, or as little as one for stopping smoking, whereas other hypnotherapy methods can take up to ten sessions, making it much more expensive over the full course of treatment.

Horizon Hypnotherapy uses evidence-based practice, which means we use methods based on extensive scientific research for hypnosis and hypnotherapy. In other words, the methods we use have been scientifically proven to be effective.

What Are the Benefits of Our Evidence-Based Approach?

Most people are unaware how much scientific research has gone into hypnotherapy. There has been extensive research, involving many controlled clinical trials over many years, covering a wide variety of conditions.

Rather than using outdated or unproven techniques employed by some hypnotherapists, Horizon Hypnotherapy integrates clinical expertise and 19 years experience with the best available clinical evidence from this scientific research.

Every client has the right to expect a high standard of care from their hypnotherapist. Horizon Hypnotherapy always keeps up-to-date with the latest credible scientific research, and interprets that research in a way that makes our treatment methods more effective, which ultimately benefits our clients.

Making Sure You Get Maximum Benefit

Horizon Hypnotherapy make sure that therapy addresses not just the presenting condition, but also any underlying issues which have a contributory effect. For example, if a client comfort eats due to stress, it's vital to help them deal with their stress, as well as their eating, otherwise it will just gloss over the problem, and their comfort eating would resurface as soon as they experienced any stress.

Horizon Hypnotherapy also take a great deal of care to gear the hypnotherapy to the personality of the individual. What is appropriate for one person, may be totally inappropriate for another with a similar condition, so it's important to ensure that therapy dovetails neatly with the client's personality. In other words, the hypnotherapist treats the person rather than just the problem.

Free Initial Consultation

A free initial consultation is offered, lasting approximately 30 minutes, without any obligation to proceed further, for those people who need to be reassured that hypnotherapy is right for them. We understand that it's important to feel comfortable and at ease with your hypnotherapist.

You can find out how advanced hypnotherapy works, how it could help you, and gives you the opportunity to ask the hypnotherapist questions. This will also allay any modern myths you may have heard about hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

After the consultation, you'll be under no pressure to book a session, and if you'd prefer to go away and think about it, we leave it up to you to contact us, rather than harassing you for a decision, unlike some companies.


Each hypnotherapy session lasts approximately one hour, with subsequent sessions usually a week apart, although they could be more or less frequent depending on your circumstances.

Clients who want to start therapy as soon as possible can choose to have the initial consultation and first session together.